Sunday, August 4, 2013

Discipline and Negative Behavior

Straight off the happy train back into Downersville! Well no, I don't think this is going to be as much as a downer as it is just talking about a tough phase we are in right now.

Will is 3. Three year olds are widely known to be adorable little devils at the best of times. My nonverbal 3-year-old can be the devil and all his little minions rolled up in to one ball of temper and teeth and nails. Will gets really, really frustrated. When he was smaller he would just roll along with everything and went with it. Things are different nowadays. A friend of mine who has an incredible child with autism, who is I believe about 9 years old now, said when her son was Will's age he was a "hot mess." I would definitely use this term to describe Will. He's a total hot mess!

Can you imagine not being able to communicate effectively? What if your most-effective methods of communication were to bite, pinch, and scratch? It gets my attention pretty darn quick and I can imagine it's a way for Will to release his negative feelings and gain some control. He has learned that doing these negative things to me will get my attention fast and he has learned to do them all the time. Sometimes he laughs at my reaction to him scratching me. Like he thinks it's funny when I say "Ouch. That hurts mommy." Great.

A recent pinch from Will on my arm
This biting and scratching and pinching crap hurts. It hurts like a mother. Will's got the sharpest little teeth and comes at me from all angles. He is known to drop down and bite my leg or sneak up from behind and bite my booty. In the last month he has learned to pinch and scratch. And he is strong! He drops down now like a noodle and makes it really hard for me to pick him up. He knows how to fight back. He has that all figured out. I worry he is starting to manipulate me in some way, but it's so hard to know what to do. It is really tempting to spank him. Several people have told me to bite him back or scratch him back, but I don't see how this would help. He doesn't really understand what he's doing and doesn't know what it means to hurt me. He wouldn't understand why I am spanking him. And the times I have scratched him back or snapped him on the cheek to make him stop, he just gets more mad. It becomes a cycle of madness.

These days Will is starting to understand words and simple phrases more, which is great; but he still really lacks in understanding why we do things or why he can't do certain things. He just gets really upset when he doesn't get to do the things he wants. For instance, he wants to go out in the front yard a lot. We live on a quiet street, but he certainly can't be out there unsupervised. And I don't always want to go out front. He doesn't understand if I say to him "we will go out there after I finish what I'm doing"... or whatever. He gets so mad when he doesn't get his way and out come the teeth and nails and screams again. This kind of thing happens all day long. Sometimes someone forgets to lock the front door. Will seems to realize this immediately and will be out the door before I can stop him. I then have to try to either coax him into the house (which works maybe 1% of the time), drag him into the house while avoiding teeth and nails and fighting his weight and strength, or I simply give up what I was doing and go outside and play with him for a while. You know what annoys me about this? We have a pretty fun backyard with tons of stuff to do back there. The front yard has our cars in the driveway and grass and a tree and some flowers. I don't know what it is about the front, but he just loves it. He always wants to be out there, no matter if it's raining, snowing, windy, etc.

So how does one discipline a child like this? I admit I have lost it a few times and yelled back at him. He looks at me with a blank stare, doesn't care or even understand that I am mad or he's in trouble. Will shows no emotion when I yell at him. Sometimes he laughs and thinks I'm being funny. It is extremely frustrating. It's infuriating. I have to check myself too and take my own break. A mommy timeout. Regroup. Try again. Then try to cheer him up, even though I am still pretty upset with him. He doesn't get social cues, although he is starting to not like stern voices or being scolded. I think this is a good step.

But I have got to find out how to stop this awful behavior. Therapists have given me some ideas. One therapist said to have him hit a wall or stomp his feet instead. This worked maybe once. When his little mouth is ready to bite, there is very little that can stop him until he bites. He wears a chewy tube all the time that I can shove in his mouth instead, but this is probably 10% effective. He is frustrated and wants to hurt me. I don't hold it against him. Some days I handle it better than others. If we're at home I usually put him in his room alone to cool down. But there are days when he's gone in there 15 to 20 times for a time out. It gets to be a little much and I don't think he needs to spend that much time alone in his room. It's hard to know what to do.

I really hope preschool helps with this. I have heard great things about the preschool class he's going into in September and I think it will be great. He is going to be there 4 days a week for 3 hours at a time and some of this behavior is bound to come out. There is also behavior therapy out there and child psychologists and I would love to get him into something to help control his emotions. I'm working on getting something going for him. 

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