Two months ago was my last post. Wow! I suppose with school starting and Mick's new job I've been a bit more busy doing various things. Will's naps have been hit and miss these days and that also dictates my available time.
Colin has been doing really good in school. I'm really proud of him. His parent-teacher conference went very well. She really had a lot of good things to say about Colin. He catches on to new things really quick and his level of understanding is something to be admired. I would say the main thing he needs to work on is taking his time when coloring. This is kindergarten after all and there is a lot of coloring involved. haha. But I am really amazed at how fast he is learning new things. His writing is pretty incredible for a kid who I couldn't get to sit still for 10 minutes to practice writing.
I have been volunteering in Colin's classroom 1 or 2 days a week, depending on what the teacher needs. I go in for an hour and a half and am exhausted! I have mad respect for his teacher in regards to her patience and energy. She really has a huge job and there is just so much going on with each individual kid. She is a wonderful teacher and just perfect for kindergarten.
Mick's new job is going well. He's putting in a lot of hours and driving 2 hours a day to get there and back. He's pretty quiet about the whole thing, but I haven't heard him complain yet so that is a good sign. A great thing is we just got health insurance from this new job. I am so relieved and feel blessed to have it. We were in our 3rd year without insurance and lucky nothing major happened during that time. Oh and by the end of this week I will have some new glasses and look forward to being able to see more clearly again. Sweet. And I'm really proud of my husband for getting this job. He really went for it and got what he wanted. He is pretty cool.
I have recently started helping my friend who has a cleaning business. It's been 2 to 3 days a week and surprisingly I don't mind cleaning other people's houses. It's so much faster than at my own home without all the distractions and mess-makers around. The best part, though, is the company. I feel in such a good mood after spending time talking to my friend and keeping busy. It has really been good. I actually look forward to it!
How about Will? Well he is doing okay. He's got almost two months under his belt now of preschool. At first he cried when I left him there, but he has adjusted to being separated now. It's a small class he's in of 7 little boys. He is able to play a lot of ball and sits in a cube chair during circle time. He likes music and the "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" book a lot. He hates eating at school and I don't think has eaten much yet. I love when I pick him up and see him sitting in his chair smiling and listening to his teacher sing their goodbye song. Sometimes I hear him make sounds like 'hey' without the 'h' while they are singing. It is really cute.
All Will's therapies outside of school are going well. Physical therapy is a joy as always for him. He loves that body work. Occupational therapy has been great too. He's starting to be able to follow simple directions and giggles with his therapist all the time. Speech therapy is actually going pretty good too. Will is learning some new sign language. He can now sign "more," "go," "ball," and every once in a while "stop." I think Will is also starting to be able to say "ball." It sounds more like "mmm-ba," but he is very consistent with this sound whenever we are playing with a ball. Speech therapy is one of my hardest therapies to cope with because Will's progress is so very, very slow. Sometimes I want to give it up. But we will of course keep going for now.
Will's behavior has been going downhill lately. For a while in the summer he was doing pretty good, kind of evening out; but that's sadly over. He has a lot of frustration and takes a lot of anger out on me and now on various items. He is throwing things and slamming doors and sometimes hitting his head against the wall or floor. He is more sensitive than ever to noises that bother him, especially coughing. He doesn't like to be told no or be scolded for doing something he shouldn't be. He breaks down in tears and screams any time we tell him to stop doing something. He has also had 3 head colds now since starting school and that really hasn't helped at all. During his last illness he got feverish and lost his balance. One afternoon he happened to trip on a rug and smacked his face on the tile floor. He got a big gash on his head and a bloody nose. I took him to the emergency room and he got his first stitches right in the middle of his forehead. It wasn't too bad, though. I'm really surprised it hadn't happened sooner!
Afternoon after getting stitches out |
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